You know there's this saying that, if you keep your eyes open, you will wittness the wonders of God? That's what happened to me today.
First of all, I'm not really all that religious. Well, it really depends on your definition. I don't go to church very often. I go there every christmas and most easters and rarely in between. I just don't happen to find that church is that important to believe in God, which I do. And strongly so. But it's also okay for me if some people don't. I don't even discuss on this problem. either you believe in God or you don't. Doesn't change who I think you are.
Anyways, I had a long school day today and needed to get home by bike. But in the last lesson, the sky began to darken. It wasn't just that the sun went away, but it got really, really dark, like in Disney movies, when something bad is about to happen. So I go out the school doors and it's still night black and I take my bike, fasten the belt I have for my school bag and say a prayer. I asked God to keep the rain from falling for another minutes. That was 4:31.
So I drive home as fast as I can and the sky somehow manages to get even darker. Not kidding here, I couldn't see anything without the headlights of my bike. And because it had been so sunny the past days, it wasn't even all that cold, still didn't need a jacket. Which felt really strange. As I get closer to the village we live in, I see lightening behind me. Well, not really, i can just see it's reflection and then I hear thunde,r nearly immediately afterwards. Only it's not just one loud ramble, but it seems to surround me. and I go even faster, trying to make it home dry. Also, i look at my watch, just by coincidence. And just at 4:51, the first heavy raindrop falls on the sidewalk beside me, just as I get within the boundaries of our village. Exactly 20 min. after I asked for another dry 20 min.
I guess most people would say that was just a coincidence, but I think it was God's way of saying: "Hey, I listen to you!".
I got to our garage fairly dry. Only, when I was inside it, it started to pour. No, wait, that's an understatement. Raindrops came down as if they were poured out of thousands of bathtubs. Or swimming pools. I got soaked on the way from our garage to the house, which is only two metres away. So you can imagine what it was like.
Still, I had my miracle of the day.
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