May 26, 2009


err... yes, this is actually supposed to be a writing blog. Just until now, it doesn't really seem to be. So I thought my quest for the day would be to write about my writing in a way that everyone understands (which really is kind of an impossible quest)

I'v ealways been writing. I can't say when it started, though I do remember the first story I wrote for the pleasure of writing (I was six at the time and let me tell you, it was horrible!). And I guess, it can't have started much earlier than that, seeing I learned to write when I was five. Unless you want to talk storytelling, whihc is a whol edifferent story...
'Till I was about 10, all of my written work was very much based on the books, films and TV series i liked at the time, it wasn't really fanfiction, I'd just take themes and rework them. I was very proud of my work, but sometimes, I'd get really annoyed with it, seeing how it was stolen. That lead to the complete delete of some of my work, which I will regret til the end of my life. Not that they were fantastic, or even good stories, but they were my first attempts at writing. I'd give almost anything to get them back.
Then, I started to write stuff of my own, I'd imagine my very own worlds and new plots and everything. I always ha dfun to come up with ideas for stories and started to write some of them. Haven't finished anything until today. But I do have an outline for a whole series, which i did when I was 12, so not something I want to work on.
Right now, I have one major project, but it actually includes two nearly seperate storylines, which I'm having problems untangling.

Oh also, I'm looking for a German critique group, because apart from one thing, I'm writing in German.

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